Is this what the world has come to A virtual society where friendships, thoughts, and adventures Exist Purely on a thinking, robotic machine of this
Where Facebook has become our knew civilization Where all our lives now seem to be lived Well now is there really a need for this mortal bag of bones
Surely there is no reason to leave the safety of our homes
No need to search deeply for answers Because look no further its all here Google, Wikipedia its the know it all source of all of the worldly knowledge
No reason to verbalize our thoughts No reason at all for that Be quiet shut up For this is where friendships and happiness is made
No need for therapy or psychologists When all our inner demons and afflictions are discussed Here within the new means of our new found reality
In all actuality This is no good What happened to people to people socialization
Is this machine really of use Of the isolation and loneliness we choose
Can this life be pure and simple again Back to when we looked for trees and the beauty within
I tell you this must make our future look bleak If only we could extend our hands and hearts to each other It must be virtually impossible over this fake imaginable thinking machine
Because now the old life is dead and the new life lives on within the depths of this new profound thinking robotic machine as that we have all come to know and love