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Mar 2019
You spoke my name so soft and gentle
Your smooth words like butter
To the outside world you were a smooth criminal

But to me your words were sharper then glass
They cut straight through my flesh
Wounds that no one could see but that I could feel

Your words were like knifes into my chest
With each word the cut grew deeper
What I felt with you wasn't heartache it was heart break

All I wanted was to lay with you for hours
To place my head on your chest and hear your heart beat
But all you wanted was to feel my heart break

Your love was what I craved but
What I got in return was a knife through the heart
A cut so straight forward and so clean

You left me there with a knife in my chest
A wound I had to patch by myself
Empty and broken is how I was left

A wound that has now some what healed
the scar on my heart still remains
Even though you left so long ago

Trust issues are woven in the edge of that scar
laced with insecurities
a wound I will carry with me forever

The scar you left scares others away
No man can come close to my heart
They fear that the wound will start to bleed

Your word effect not only my past but my future
to the outside world you were a smooth criminal
But to me you were just the opposite you were a monster
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