Rolling mint hillock of Ashland, estate of my grandparents, where I curled dreams into the blue room's sheets. Honeysuckle's ladder up the brickwork reached like spring fingers towards my window.
From brown shadows I saw foxes steal over the crumbling drive. Clouds crashed into trees, deer ate lawn in the evening, uncle's autos coruscating in the tall grass wilds.
In that bed I came of age with thoughts of women naked - Torches of thought ached and led the way deeper & deeper as they dripped scalding tar all across my adolescence.
Years went by inside me. Stones fell from the sky, hard as ***. Fox bones slept in the wood. The television sat like an idol on the lace, a pressure that touched every wall.
The sun a chorus. The moon a thigh. Something wet rustled in the eye that burrowed beneath the pillow.