They told you heart break was the most painful That losing your love tears your heart Something you didn’t want to experience So you put a wall around my heart To prevent damage to it You thought you were invincible The strongest With an army that doesn’t let anything in Nor anything out Your words your weapons To slay any thing that will bring harm to your heart So you dated and your heart was never in it you were so busy protecting your heart your castle you forgot your body your temple With your beautiful long legs your thighs thick to an extent your *** what they call tangible ***** perky and fresh looking They told you to look out for heart hunters No one told you about the body hunters you were busy protecting your heart While most were never interested in it And now you look at my body Your broken temple So battered so shattered Guilt like no other rushes over you And as you stood there naked before him With tears that came from your heart Your walls break apart Your impenetrable wall finally let something out, emotions Tears of anger tears of disappointment You wished someone told you Your body needed protection too Because its out here in the open your heart would never attract what you wont allow But who or what your body attracts For that you are powerless the body that you had no problems with before you met him became the thing you hate the most it felt damaged it felt defiled You wish they told you to protect it above all You wish they told you The pain was not only physical But also heart felt To give your body to someone Who will never appreciate it And insult you for having such a temple At first you try to hide it You are ashamed to have it And slowly you tear it down Muscle by muscle Your temple falls apart You no longer care you no longer value it And so you turn your back to the world Because someone told you You should be ashamed of having such a body Since you failed in protecting your body You neglect you heart next And soon the pent up emotions all come out And you are left a wreck so beautiful but yet so broken Allow me to call you beautifully broken But let me remind you You are the one who protected your heart Let that same strong will and love protect your body too Rise up and build your temple anew Make it prettier and brand new Let them see it and realize they cant get near you Because now you know your body needs protection too And your scars and marks will show them That you survived that but have no plans Of going through it all again Let your scars be your ******* To anyone who doesn’t see what you have A temple. Jojo.poetry
lets love our temples and take care of them they are unique and beautiful