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Mar 2019
Whenever I hear smooth jazz I think of you
You bring me up when I'm feeling blue
Your tanned body is just so silky  smooth
One touch from you is like the fountain of youth
Your strut is like clockwork, you never miss a beat
I stare in amazement,  you put me in heat
Whenever you leave me  I feel so incomplete
I'm not proud, I willingly  concede defeat
As you come closer and  whisper in my ear
I reach around and release the clasp of your brassiere
As I lay in a state of total surrender
Your touch is magic,  I could stay here forever
I need your love so badly.  I ache for your caress
I truly am a lucky man, I truly have been blessed
Written by
duane hall  M/kennewick washington
(M/kennewick washington)   
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