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Feb 2013
There once was a child, lonely and scared
Who knew not how to talk, so his sharp teeth he bared
He played by himself, alone by the fence
He day-dreamed in class, not much made sense
He would punish himself for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a boy, outcast and alone
He didn't say much, mostly just groan
He wouldn't look into those judgmental eyes
He just slept in class, passing time with sighs
He would punish his wrists for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a man, who knew not a friend
He never spoke kind in letters he'd send
He worked by himself, alone by the wall
He sat there and stared waiting for calls
He would punish his liver for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

There once was a man, old and grey
He never said a word, he had nothing to say
So he sat in a chair, away from the fire
He did nothing at all, his eyes too tired
He would punish his mind for being this way
He wanted to die, he wished not to stay

So on a night that he laid in bed
He passed away, not a tear was shed
Elizabeth Ann
Written by
Elizabeth Ann  Washington, United States
(Washington, United States)   
   Sarah H Winston
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