Hidden under crop circle resembling an ampersand hides sheathed silo - obscured, said symbol adorned every armband of national socialist, yet weapons
of mass destruction) bland lee, blatantly ignored global pact prepared from this once (bajillion years ago) geologic bottomland repurposed for a bomb bin able
(made in good ole US of A) brand to release payload upon given command i.e. at moments notice, the notorious brigand
usurped entire communications broadband to stow and let loose by, thee once upon a time pokey cowhand now chief of state tyrant, sans military industrial complex edifice
where deadly warheads demand did and trumpeted by "FAKE EVIL" apprentice madly (ad libbing) gesticulating, & expostulating to DISBAND at once - to no effect
falling on deaf ears as Doomsday Clock rhythmically minutely gourmandises cannibalizing entire webbed world, whose former slender (now stubby) baby grand
piano playing butter fingers primed to press miniature Taj Mahal shaped hand,... (now a pause for infowars commercial identification about Homeland
security threatened by migrant husband and wife, especially terror unleashed from baby, whose hood loom doth not expand much taller than kickstand),
Regular noteworthy poetic program resumes:
...but biological chattering multiplicand the fiercest most critical operand linkedin with scheme asper deadly retaliatory reprimand against leader of free world,
a hot headed note tory us donning wig by handmaiden Shetland knitwear, which Total Mortal Kombat every man, woman and will soon understand!
KA-BOOM! Into a bajillion (to the power of Googleplex) goes civilization and discontents, and since World War II accursed with self destructive hex hmm...mebbe terrestrial for another species similar to T-Rex.