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Mar 2019
. well... apparently a slice of lime in a ms. amber
(whiskey) and pepsi is not a profanity,
not an abomination,
                       clearly a touch of zing
does the trick...
                          as is that other "profanity"
of the ms. amber: twins...
   or a double amber...
                                      scotch with ginger ale...
my god, that works like...
    i guess that the gods don't have a chance
                                to drink their own ****!

that's thing about drinking,
   you might say i came across poetry
by chance, or as an attache composite
of my drinking,
   or the other way round...
whichever way it was:
    it's not exactly sodium pentothal
but it works...
  or at least: if you're honest with yourself...
i still don't have the foggiest
about what ***** styron was talking
    oh... he drank and listened to music,
he didn't drink and write...
that figures...
              who the hell drinks for "fun"
these days?
           if there's one thing i know,
is that:     if i truly lied throughout my,
rather, uneventful life,
    this sort of diarrhoea spew would come by...
as... rather... problematic...
lying takes up too much of the mental
faculty that's imagination...
  much simpler just to tell the truth...
alcohol just enchances by ability to do so...
like, take this example...
i was thinking of a rammstein song...
while listening to slaughterhouse music
   don't worry... i'll be listening to
some ke$a later...
   i'm a sucker for pop music,
once i, crawl out from the outlier music
  and this, really is, a pedantic fetish...
maybe it's an east german "thing"...
ich will...
                point being...
  where's the harking sound of ICH
in that song?
    no... i'm pretty sure it's not there...
what is in there is...
        isch will...
           or at least that's how the schwabs
speak and write it...
   which doesn't imply
         it's even a case of the caron,
hiding the H in an english word like:
  šatter - no, not a *******,
                                  to, shatter...
no wonder: being neighbours...
   but it still must be an east german
                  given that ich becomes isch
and... that pretty much sounds
                                 ś -
               ergo? ich / isch = yś ~ iš
because there are two languages within
each of the european languages,
sure, i'd love to compliment
on the ******* phonetic encoding
               of the chinese ideogram method...
phonetic results? chow mein,
pretty ******* meagre if you ask me...
like... do we really need the wall,
             or, isn't our language enough?
i see some latin encoding and i'm like:
should i sing or should i hum?
   two languages, in one,
most notably with french,
  that masterful brainchild of loose
               and gulping down suffixes...
english? eh... so so...
         point being:
                well you have accents,
don't you... i've never heard a chinese
person talk about some foreigner's accent...
but we write one way,
  and then speak another...
              so i just sit, and listen...
and with a fluency in two languages,
i come across, pedantic observations,
which for me are: narrative cues.
when sang: it's either an operatic
    bowl of spaghetti...
      where the vowels are exaggerated
and the consonant "somehow" disappear...
or... like a rammstein song...
it's written ich, it's sung isch...
   and then... if i were to bypass
   the convention of literacy...
and write everything: purely phonetically...
ich would become isch would become ...
obviously writing from hearing
is not appealing to the aesthetic of
writing per se...
     even with the use of orthography...
"short-cuts" akin to borrowing
     from the semitic vowel hide & seek...
oh **** they're smart,
isn't it obvious?
         have you looked at the language?
even now: encoding quill
      you have two "vowels" acting
as consonants (א & ע - ayin and aleph)
you have hidden vowels...
kametz (a), tzere (e), chirek (i), cholem (o)
and shurek (u) -
vowels... that are more like orthographical
markers in a latin script...
oh, but they're not written into
a standard text, like a street sign...
the arabs didn't figure out
a way to hide these markers...
the hebrews did...
     reading their language is sometimes
like solving a crossword...
   one example:

            that would be a street sign...
not    יְרוּשָׁלַיִם
     yod, resh,
                          lamed, yod,
    yeah...  wait... (ו) vav...
    there's a vav in Jerusalem?
   what the **** is wikipedia "selling"?

in the meantime: some alpha blondy...
but a street sign would
           read          ירשלים
and that's all consonants...
    see what i mean? now fit in the vowels...
sneaky *******,
   this is simply ingenius...
        in latin that would read as
                    unless you know
the word prior... a ******* vowel roulette
or something?

well yeah,
    (א & ע - ayin and aleph)
are the new cain and abel for me...
because of the prefix rule...
  what do you get when you
cut off the prefix  
    of theta? θ - f,
   and what do you get when you
get when you cut off the prefix
of phi? φ - f...
two Fs in Greek, Ayin and Aleph in Hebrew...
oh no no...
the new testament was never
a greco-hebrew collaboration project
to topple the romans...
   no... oh no... forget about it...
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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