“Amorous is this anguish novel of the woes of fervor, It is not greatness I see within myself but that of others, Touching skin hedonistic for our lingering infatuation, All these interlude cataclysm of such a bereavement,
Beyond this place of wrath destruction and tears of woe, Looms the horror fronds of pain as gesture abhorrence, Pleasures awaited amour claimed lost rapacious desires, These days have ebbed as Love's swell was checked,
Could earth be sequestered in some obscure place? Let your shadow lengthen the horologe in the meadows, I am besieged by the enlightening celestial naiad beauty, This was possibly the most euphoric point of my life,
She the begin of a light that was once my beguiled penumbra, Her skin seems to have the deluded eyes always my eternal allure, Mesmerism is what you are when in front of me my allure, I can feel your soft hands and the tender lips upon mine,