Sweat dripping like regret lingering, and being totally unsure of the whole situation.
Was she who she said she was?
But after driving my car up to the train station and seeing her there, leaning against the concrete so obsolete so complete. Hair spiked into a mohawk, sunglasses covering her eyes.
I took her for ice cream in my whip. I didn't know it then but she liked that.
After icecream we go for a walk but don't get very far before I say um I'm parked illegally.
So we go back and I drive her to the pier. Nothing to see here.
But she did ask to hold my hand.
Have you ever been on a first date so pure?
And we were no where near done.
She asked to hold my hand and I said yes.
And then I took her minigolfing.
I dropped her off at the station around 7pm.
We have not gone more than a week without seeing eachtother since that first date.
Im fact we live together, and are getting married.