Ponderous, she lumbers on through frozen wastelands, shaggy body bejewelled with a million icy diamonds.
Keen is the wind, born in the high peaks and honed to razor sharpness over groaning, green-blue glaciers.
Head raised to bitter skies, she bellows a mournful, unanswered cry against distant night-black conifers, bowed and encrusted with fallen snow.
Long tusks scrape the ground now in search of hidden mosses, for hunger is upon her, and she is oblivious to the huntersβ approach.
Squat are these bearded skin-clad men, hair-matted, breath steaming, gesturing quickly, moving ever closer, surrounding, stepping out silently, flint-tipped spears and arrows poised.
And then the sudden cry of attack! Again and again the thud of flint into flesh! Stone into bone!
Shouting wildly, the hunters circle rapidly, calling on their long-dead ancestors to witness the great shrieking beast brought down in agony; until at length they halt exhausted, breath steaming and energy spent.
And as the moon rises above the far horizon an awful silence falls across the bitter wastes.