Memory lane... What a disastrous place to live. Some wealthy mansions And most lonely hobos in cardboard boxes.
Some grass is green And some grass dried to death. The lily pond is there But gone in the same second.
I remember that lily pond... I fell in it because you pushed me in. What a beautiful memory right? Two young kids without a care in the world.
But growing up changes people. I was never keen on growing up because That would mean to push away my Childish soul.
You, dear friend, felt the same way. Growing up felt like The imprisonment of what was left of your Careless ways.
I guess you wanted to be a child at heart Forever.
I still look at that lily pond and wonder "How can it be that deep?" It was deep enough to hold you And there was still room to hold me.
When you did it... What did you see?
Did you see me riding my bike alongside you? Did you see us dancing in the wheat by the farm? Did you see Mr. Wilder yell at us when we did go in his field? Did you see the night were you first told me how you felt?
If you are happy... Then I am happy. But I miss you old friend.
Memory lane is such a disastrous place to live Because I can still see us jumping by the lily pond And you pushing me in...