"they" kept scrambling, scuttling their way back into the asylum...
like there was no retraction...
videos and response videos...
and then... someone left something, and there was no comment section...
and it read, as a litany worth of all that was not pop via the dada movement...
arthur cravan jacques riguat julien torma jacques vache (jack... jackson... why not: ja' que! huh?)
and then the whole, "thing" imploded into a high school schoolyard brawl... scuffle... whatever you call throwing an orange at someone's head... playing the lottery... will it hit him... or will it miss... a bit like three beavis & butthead loons staying out too late, forgetting to leave a park... jumping over the fence, and the fat one... jumps... then gets "hanged", by a ******... on the park fence... and you're wondering: how many more seconds... before we release this budgerigar... from an abstract fence... when he's still... a fat boy, dangling on a park fence... yapping like some ugly duckling... dangling... from a "noose" of his underwear being caught on a vlad the impaler safe-keep?
**** it, let's all be as pedantic as: moi... and sift through what's, i assure you: to come.
life was so pure... back when, you'd huddle in for a friday night... and never take gaming seriously...
gaming would be akin to reviving the understanding of chess... or mahjong... you'd spend a "solipsistic" saturday morning... not worrying about homework until sunday night... and... you'd congregate, go to the shopping-centre... and buckaroo the afternoon away...
like now... me: eyes: void / blank... good thing i didn't learn anything about leaving comments, or engaging in: a comment section... i'm all pro democracy... but... comment sections, per se? that's worse than a tweet... given the current twitter debacle... never used it... moved to gab.com... huh? i don't know how to use that... give me a ******* hammer and a nail and a book by heidegger: sure... we can make that work...
like, i wanted to leave the schoolyard at some point... but then the **** just kept nagging me back into a mafia-esque demand for cipher-zunge...
you know why comment sections ****? i remember the days of the microsoft chat-rooms, the m.s.n. hybrids of social media...
whatever this is... it is, whatever that was, and neither, will ever meet.
p.s. anger... isn't that something worth pacifying with copious amounts of ms. amber? ****... better buy a camera and a mic. and record myself saying something: that i can't quiet, literally, think through.