You have walked down the path of soul-searching for far too long my dear woman You have thereupon tasted sin in that of poisonous water And in that of the flesh of men And in that of the flesh of women And in that of tears of whom gave birth to you And in that of disappointment you have caused to the only man you have so much loved
Now my dear, Tell me What is it that you found?
I have not find But I have only learned That it is about time I get to know You
I have known you since you were sleeping Silently and unagitated to what there is to life And that was when you were in the womb of your mother Its warmth enveloped your paper-thin skin And her heart was beating synchronously to yours And both of your soul and body coexisted
When you left the comfort of the greatest And the warmest thing of motherhood You came into the world crying Your skin red Your lips the contrasting colour White as the cleanest sheet You now existed at and on your own body Smallβbut bold and vulnerable Like that of the most expensive glass
You cried Because you are on your own
When you grow I have known you even better Closer but farther So dear and so true I am not watching you I am rooting for you
I have sinned but I have learned I have cried and I have hurt I have taught and be taught I have lost only to be found
The second I kneeled Upon the heat of the thick but delicate sheet I have remembered That none of the things in this existing life Belongs to me But are rather given to me