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Mar 2019
there is blue caught
        in the lining of his skin,

he’s glowing in the dark

moonlight spills from his fingertips
as they graze the sky
his pale fingers dipping into the
black sea that floats over him,
followed by
    his hands, his arms, his head till
he is swollen whole

by the night sky

a ripple of stars
turning tsunamis worlds away

and the night echoes with
howls of wolves

as the moon sets into his throne

there is yellow caught in the lining of her skin
   she’s fire burning in the light
risen from the earth

her earth-stained fingers grazing the sky
her black eyes piercing into the
blinding blue

she dives into up into the sea
                                 and spreads her flames

a hot white steam washes over the world
and clouds forms

a beat, then. the cloud breaks apart
rain drips down

the earth soaks up sunlight
  and spouts out flowers
blooming with a rainbow

as the sun sets into her throne
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