Why give a ****, When you don't care. Why open hands, When you don't share. Why speak the truth, When you're all lies. Why live this life, Because we'll all die. Why walk straight, When there're corners to take. Why stay silent, When there decisions to make. Why shake a hands, When you're badminded. Why sit near, When you're far sighted. Why show love, When you're filled with hate. Why be the Usher, When you want to close the gate. Why sit around her, When you can't stand it. Why the small talk, When you didn't planed ****. Why be first, When last is your choice. Why speak out against the wrong, But when you're wrong, you don't stand out. Why be a saint, When you're born in sin. Why double coat the paint, When you know it'll still be thin. Why smile, When you want to cry. Why exaggerate, When you don't have to lie.