i put my heart gently upon the water she usually grazes softly against each wave, with the silence of a church nave mimicking that gentle pry of prayer-filled halls.
i unroll her scripture making sure to lay her out completely, allowing her to speak at ease because she is fluent in its ebb and flow and it is rude to interrupt
i listen with curiosity, and some intent hidden to myself
i watch her agitation bubble and build the anger become apparent, her anger becomes a parent kicking and
starting what they call the ripple effect
of heavy breathing or in other words, a young heart's teething
she ***** about, makes a scene, holds her breath dives before pouring into a voluminous body of water
the endless volumes
of my body of water
she pours in proclamation this is all my body and all my water
our emotional waters, out to sea out to see
the big chain of space
between our beings
keep in mind, or in heart that if you hold me closer at some point i promise i will let go