The moon there And the light of the moon. Caused by what? The sun of course Do you ever wonder if the moon finds itself lonely? Hiding away where no one ever sees it Only lighted by someone elses brightness Never radiating its own When they’re gone You fade into the shadows Forgotten until they shine on you again Never radiating of your own accord Just reflecting the light of another But no one stops to think about the moon Who enjoys staying in the background She likes to disappear sometimes Leaving the sun to be the center of attention But sometimes the sun doesn’t enjoy the spotlight either Though it is always stuck So she calls on the moon to help her hide away for a short while The moon encourages the dear sun To show the world it’s warmth once again And the sun listens For even though she can’t be seen She shines just as brightly when alone Everything in nature needs a break No matter how small or large It would be ridiculous to request a flower to bloom all year So why can’t we see that in ourselves?
SelfCare love depression sun moon happy night day friendship nature eclipse support anxiety