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Mar 2019
.                  told to buckle...
i like that phrase,
walk about
                 five miles
               and you receive
            a chance to buckle twice...
                  couple this
    with a vanguard
revision of
      the mea culpa:
and... hey presto!
              your mind
          is permanetly
    lodged in the Taizé
yes, that mangum
opus that compliments
was it ever in play?
i keep myself,
"shy", hermit,
     being licked by
            reality increments
changing posits...
truth for me
            is the persistent
pedantry relating
grammar, to spelling,
   whatever the hell
remains at the bottom
         of a bottle of ***** /
ms. amber...
              yeah, that one...
by the time i sink
               my mind and
relegate my iq -
count, count,
           does anyone
think that solving
a sudoku
is, a, bit,
   on the sly:
     there, i've met
him at the end of
a bottle...
    i squinted my eyes:
he told me the name
of the whale
  that gulped-him-up...
and we became...
    converts to...
     the chop-sticks
method of eating
      chicken noodle soup...
   like that very public
psychotic breakdown
of charlie sheen...
with news...
             no wonder...
   he has h.i.v.,
                    go figure...
like this time round,
   i'll tell you is at the end
of gulping down...
what i've started
to call ***** ms. ice,
   whiskey ms. amber...
   whatever this...
sodium pentothal izz...

ah... salt, in alcohol...
liberated tongue in
   staged dehydration...
quickened dehydration...
salt and alcohol...
or just about
what jesus came back
with, spending 40 days
and 40 nights in the desert...
             i get to perform
        in less than an hour...

yeah: would be floral patterns
in wahrheitsprechen...
any ******* pollack
is going to bounce against
german pillars
   when fiddling with
  the shrapnel of english...

english was never enough
in this, "experiment"...
i had to recede into
invoking some german,
some, rigid, architecture,
titillated by
   well ironed clothes
and well polished
         leather straps
worth a footprint (shoes)...

if i spoke a better part
of german,
  i would then have to move
to sveedish...
in the same manner
as the current knowledge
of english allows...

i.e. wahrheitsprechen
would become
and all the english words
     would be in german.

beyond that?
   no clue...
           this is as far
as i've been allowed.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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