more thankful than yesterday, for the sun that shines bright through the curtains in my room, for my sister's friend who taught me to ride the bicycle when i was little, for each heartfelt hug that taught me affection. more thankful than yesterday, for the big gulps of cold water and hot food, for the firm mattress that allows me rest when i need it the most. more thankful than yesterday for the swirling, ever-present illness that teaches me compassion, for a heart that feels, breaks, blooms radiates and gives love. thankful for the yellow wildflowers that grow from nothing even to make concrete beautiful; for eyes that make the most vivid memories. thankful for the sublime breeze through the window, when the power is out on a summer's day, for the last of the yogurt or the remaining milk for the last cup of tea. more thankful than yesterday for the songs that were thought of, for the universe that wants me, and keeps me safe on days when i am not the kindest. more thankful than yesterday for the space to contemplate in privacy of my mind, for intentional words, for this day and for all the ages to come in my inexplicably magical lifetime here.