He's headed to the roller rink She's headed downtown To see no one to be around nobody a perfect night to themselves doing nothing for nobody.
He sits in his car the music blaring softly sighing hoping to drown out the latest saga Why must others make their problems his problems. See, he has his own problems But he doesn't put them on other people. He prefers to purge then on paper Get them out and forget about them Because these things aren't important When the night is cool and it's about to rain And the lights stream by like bolts speeding down a empty road.
Wanta Drown it out dance in the moonlight and shout shake his hands whip his hair ridiculously. Forget the world for awhile walk alone at night, anything to extend this quiet anything not to go inside.
She's biking in Noho It's 2am and it's that California cool outside. Riding with no handlebars playing some Dorian concept, burning a natural high. Another sleepless night remedied by impulsiveness and exercise.
She don't want to go home seems like this bike path could stretch till the end. And anyone who stares is just a pedal away a pedal behind makes her feel so safe.
Wanta Drown it out dance in the moonlight and shout shake her hands whip her hair ridiculously. Forget the world for awhile walk alone at night, anything to extend this quiet anything never to go inside.
He hears a song nostalgic it travels him in time, head back he closes his eyes - trying to remember what it felt like to ride open and exposed to the elements, his headphones in jamming.
She feels the bright of headlights. just one more block to go, her hands cold and forehead sweating. Her thighs burning, her back aching. Her hairs standing, her face clammy.
Wanta Drown it out dance in the moonlight and shout shake her hands whip her hair ridiculously. Forget the world for awhile walk alone at night, anything to extend this quiet anything not to go inside.