The carrage rides into the town while look out amongst the plain of the land the hills that stand high into the sky and the sun beams down on our horse drawn carage while we roll down the enbankment towards the city of hope. The sound of war cry can be heard while we look out in to the western planes and our guns fire out into the distant land Indians can been seen pushing our horses into the ground while the carrage comes to a grinding halt high into the mountains and away from the town of heavenly hope. We get out of the carrage and line up along the rocks of evil whilst the indians look with intent at our misfortune while we stand in terror and wonder what outcome will be and think of our loving family in this terror of the west . The indians walk up and down our group and ponder their next move. The indians single out a man and woman in our group and holding out their ponted fingers take them away from us behind a large rock of shame. Our eyes beam with terror and shame while we hear screams coming from behind this massive rock. The indians come back with a twisted and satisfied look on their faces holding the clothing of the man and woman and two sets of hair that belong to each person. We look in disgust at the indians at what they have done to our fellow humans . We are then escorted away from the rock and down towards the tribe of terror thousands of indians in the valley await our arrival and our hearts drop with shame and terror waiting for our fate with terror in our eyes written by wayne mockler copyright ownership wayne mockler