I trusted you very much But you payed me back with a punch I had lots of hope in you But in your mind, that didn't go through You didn't care what you did to me Neither did you care about your destiny All your actions were only wrong You didn't care of what was going on From you I was expecting the best But instead, you showed me the worse You really let me down And made me look like a joke, like a clown You ruining your life is my worst fear And everyday that seems to be more near I don't want you to end badly But you prefer to be lonely I worry for you but you don't care And what you're doing isn't really fair You're getting worse instead of getting better I want you to turn good but that won't happen ever You promised me that you'll keep trying But like always, you kept lying Letting me down was the worst you could've done Now you've lost the trust that you have once won