i woke up with a thought... funny... so Louis XIV built a palace... yes, a non-defensible versailles... while Пи́тер founded Санкт-Петербург on a whim... and... some variant of my own included "other"... kin... the stamping, the footwork, the tirade of tango... right... so... "where's my money"? crypto... comment section banter... the people expecting to be paid.... paid... for... what? vulture journalism? eastern european work ethic started to climb its way inot the general stratum... "we" already know why Britain left the European Union... keep the **** paedophiles... limit the entrty of eastern european workers... imagine if Kiev joined the club! w'ooh ooh h'oo! smashing a mirror 7 times before the superstitious maxim started to kick in! i might be considered hibernian... outer-land outside the statrum of the Benelux dictum... me? fame? i can tell you what uber looks like in russia... the make-shift taxi you're taking? it's not driven by a serial killer... the first time i ever took sight of the Baltic sea? when i was visiting Stockholm... so from Sweden, everything appears far away... me, Europe... a congested space... a constipated ideology ready to be born mongrel... of counter nationalism with its continentialism... i could be worse off being a tabloid journalist blank space basher.... fun, free... me and a blank space... or for clarification's worth of a canvas... raz, dwa, trzy... nibbling on the germanic psyche... like an invasion of the asiatics without the tokyo inhibitions of actor, faked, politeness... an answer by a satellite people, having to celebrate a century of independence... my bad... i forgot to celebrate such an event... lodged myself into the use of english... can i simply be the person who forgot to ask people for money? money, what? writing poetry?! huh?! doktor zhivago?! sure: and the song too by neon neon... great movie... what?! vulture journalism? people are allowed to sieve through the crap of others and expect, an expectation's fee?
hello, slander, hello "riddling" the "other"... the plateau... and the skint... hello basis: membrane and... buffer zone... hello...
i already know my status: alien... against the polyglot invitation... yeah... i am alien... foreign, parasitically ridden... is it just me, or too few polyglot geniuses ever leave their metaphysical confines and experience their ability as tourists?
Louis the 14th only envisioned a legacy via a construction of a palace... Peter the Great decided to make his legacy, worth the sediments of a city...
guess who's being overlooked; let's overlook this lazy affair, of sore words, to a wounded realism with no alleviation.