i nearly slip climbing into my bed my fingers grasp blindly for a cigarette hidden somewhere in the linen. i feel my lungs shatter over and again as i try to breathe through my crying. lone flies escape through the cracks how many times have i looked up here? i think not enough to be blind from the pain within me now the ant crawls right up to the largest crack sticking its little legs in its tentative this is a part of the world it has forgotten that it knows i imagine the ant is thinking how he must decide whether to stay on the plaster or insert himself into the darkness. i imagine myself as him too whirling around clinging to these pieces of my life i've known awhile now my decision so i take a last drag of my cigarette put it out on my leg a last time, near victorious and insert myself free and falling upwards into the dark.
depression, wanting to leave but being unable, the ant and i are one and the same because all it comes down to is choices.