To everyone else she was the girl who had everything But to her self, she had only her dreams. A loving family, Countless friends, Not a single enemy. Respectful and grateful. Always helping anyone with anything. Beautiful and smart. Humble and gracious. Always giving you her best with no expectations. Content and happy, as she seemed Loving every moment Living every minute As if every second were a gift. Interesting and intriguing. Everyone watched as she’d speak But No one was really listening. Ugh, she wished she were dreaming. In her dreams she could just be. No pressure to be perfect, no troubles. No faking a smile to hide her struggles. How wonderful, she thought, to go to sleep to never wake up to always dream. And that is what she did. No thinking, no thought, no time to react, Her dreams were triggered with the quickness of a finger. She won’t ever wake up. A life we can’t get back. Cautiously, and carefully listen to someone when they are speaking. Their words and what they are saying, could have very different meanings. Maybe to her, if someone would of just listened, they could of possibly reassured her that her life, it was a dream, that was very much worth living.
This feeling, emotion, poem came to me after my daughters best friend committed suicide...she was only 18 yrs old