They called me **** in response to the choices made for my self in the garments I choose to wear or perhaps not, if I dared makeup put onto the face tattoos plastered on the skin these reflect the innerscape felt within without regret
***** is heard when I react to the partners that fill my needs across the realm of bodies grasped spectrums searched for the balm the hunger calls from within with proximity as a response accountability is close behind still the critics will decry
sinner is the sum basket an old dig that burns the most lumping all that came before into damning of the soul what came before was trivial pettiness below the fold when eternity is held above the heads of those outside the tribe
I'll reject this as the last lie with the poison it supplies when what's at stake is nothing more than egos trying to destroy the true measure denies their claims puts to rest the crying game because the tears are best spent on what’s important before the grave.
2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190220.
The poem “They Called Me ****” was inspired by a comment of a friend. It is one of two poems I intend to write on the subject. This one examines the focus of attacks.