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Feb 2019
People will always follow in stride
on the winding road to disaster,
They will not cry out for help
in the chance to meet they're "Master"

Some lies will never become the truth
even for the ones who kneel for forgiveness,
Or for the ones stuck inside the booths

Looking out for Angels
Or trying to find the perfect angles,
Trying to cut the corners
can't shake the love you share with each other

Healing the pain & cleansing the soul
wiping the slate clean,
Creating the perfect mold

Thinking that God is dead
misreading the scripture you read,
Are something's better dropped or dead?
So from what you read
please stop the tears you sometime shed,
Know that you loved from you're heart and not from you're head
Now close you're eyes & sleep tight it's time for bed
Written by
Interrorbang  33/M/California
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