The nurse attended the wounded in a damp moonlight Some shot through the leg, the chest, the head And the one's through the head she would close their eyes With gentle fingers for the very last time
War was a way of life for many before it was televised taboo We are the real thing now, but we forget how days were Talk to another with a bigger stick who cannot talk the way you do Go to their lands and try to change the work that is done with their hands And pray that the graves not be too shallow or too deep for me and you
Death accepts everyone
Death is not racist Bigoted Or money-driven
Death is not choosy
And I saw the way he fell through the rocks when they tossed him over There was a vigilance in the way he soared through the sky That told me somehow - maybe in his eyes - that he didn't want to die I ain't living if I'm not with you, but when were together I'm all torn apart I'm a wicked man with wicked ways And I know some day, some way, I'm gonna' pay
Take my letters Their there on the window sill See that picture? That's of me What I was doing there I can't really see But take it Take the letters and the picture You get outta' here too And don't let the door hit you
I heard a prayer through the crack of my door Getting up to see what it was All I saw in the dark was something move Some people are born with the groove And other's are born with something to prove If I cared once, I care differently now How young I am doesn't matter Over the beat of the drum I can still hear the chatter
Goodnight to forgiveness and Good morning to forgetting