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Jan 2013
I could feel each thick curl of my hair unraveling,
from top to bottom.
I could feel the strange sensation
of butterflies in my stomach.
I was warm with serenity,
and yet somehow cold with doubt.
Never had I been put in such a position
that made me lust after love, so intensly.
My heart ached with the thought of losing him.
And my body shook with slight jealously,
and pain whenever he turned
to look in anyone else's direction.
I wanted to tangle myself in his web,
to be so close to him, as close as humanly
All I could ever want is nothing more than being in his arms, in his heart, forever.
Written by
FallenInTorment  22/F/Among the broken...
(22/F/Among the broken...)   
   --- and sassybutsweet
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