dusky "reality" from twilit zoned lifelike slumbers confused with medication induced hallucinations ferrying me to lands unknown
lack proper visa to allow this migrant citizenship, cannot escape tangled web spun since birth threads tensile strength
beyond realm of destruction incredibly dynamic force defies sophisticated contraption to measure even against most
powerful dynamometer, no contest when utmost might, sans primal scream regarding non anesthetized excruciating spinal tap daily visited
on this beastie boy, no matter summoning every last ounce of mine (billeted) willpower foregone conclusion collusion effectually ranked less
than lame duck effort defeated, jackknifed, stymied... every step of the weigh I loathe forlorn doomed curse, a worse fate than death,
no life worth living when bereft of interpersonal, "normal", relational... trappings, yet death not available for this walled in hostage
imprisoned within inescapable Alcatraz every blinkered instant nsync with pseudo fictional realistic psychedelic dreams mocking (this bird – dodo) man cave existence, a mere
abysmal charade, facade, jade did minimalistic functionality, where suicide an irrevocable unfair punishment to Shana Punim precious daughter, whose caterwauling... would wake grateful dead!