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Jan 2013
This is an absolute true story:
Once upon a time, a girl wore a paper crown upon her head and declared herself queen of the world.
She ran through the forests, quickly, and she knew how to hide from civilization.
She strung lights across the trees for dusk, so the light danced across the sky when she danced and asked for rain.
She was alone and liked it that way, except at cold nights when the wind blew through the leaves and howled louder then she could ever try.
She could hunt, run, skip, leap, climb, and hide. She was good at everything and she quick and cunning that all the foxes began to worship her.
Once she ran into a bear and stood her ground so well that the bear bowed down to her.
But at night, when the owls had stopped making sound, she would cry herself to sleep, and feel an emptiness in her heart.
It was an emptiness in her bones that no cheerful melody of a bird could ring out.
It was an emptiness that no warm rabbit could try to rub out of her skin.
A sorrow, an ache, a longing for something that started with an l, but that even the little silver fish could never give her with little kisses.
And that was how she lived for all her life.
Jacqueline P
Written by
Jacqueline P
   Mike Fashé, gg, Nick Durbin, --- and Dev A
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