Getting better as a mum; learning to strengthen my knee and arm muscles each day, with weights and my exercise bike.
I can run with my little lady when she's older and we can go out and play.
I'm learning to flex, my creative sights. Reading and talking to her singing funny nursery rhymes . Who cares if my singing voice isn't even any good, she will be my only judge. I want her to smile and laugh that's my mummy up there flexing her hands to the mike.
I'm finally learning to get her clothes and ***** on right, making sure her feeds are on time. Learning to cook will be the next thing on my list then I can conjure up a mighty fine dish.
Always found learning practical tasks difficult to master; its a challenge every day to live with dyspraxia. I will get there in my own special way.
When i've built my strength up; I can take her out in her pram for the day. Enjoying the sunshine, grand adventures in the great outdoors, exploring nature and woods.
Or we can explore how chocolate is made. Explore the gravity rush adrenaline thrill of theme park rides, the possibilities are endless and fun, being a full time mum.