anything in the german zunge sounds fascist... so... what the hell...
might as well call zee German outright in "his" post- of the anglo-saxon ruling elite...
schwabian... that's how the slavs determine the german...
not a saxon (migrant), but a consistent posit... non-nomadic...
with the sächsisch-volk resembled... nomadic tribes of the monotheistic "righteous"... you want ******* camel cockneys?! you want the dust riddled desert people?!
no... these ******* aren't hermits... they move... and they move via everyone is left, unsuspecting...
the slavs know them as schwäbisch-deutsche... the celts known them as sächsisch-deutsche...
no, i want to see the over-prided anglo-saxon, reduced to the germanic in him, where his slur originates... anglo- attached to celt... sax... not a ******* saxophone...
i know the difference.... i know the tale to tell apart the people from sächsisch from a schwäbisch (deutsche)... i "know" the difference between a saxon... roaming deutsche.... and a firm, settled, fertile stagnant of a švab! porky ***-***... schwab! i know a swabian... no... you ******* imbecile... no Ł... and yes... plenty of the croat addition: š... and the upside down lambda of a cut-loss of W via V...
you might not know the difference... but i know and breathe it! the saxons... roamed... became anglo-saxons... i came an anglo-slav... but the... švabians? resolut... und fest... und im ihre ort...
it's like... the saxon kin, no... so little of their swabian brethren...
back east, among the slavs? no one even begins to dream of the saxons, the empire founders... the germnaic nomads... back east... all you hear is arrived upon, by the dictum of a lacking compensate for the swabians...
it was definitely an anglo-saxon... but certainly not an anglo-švab...
now, tell me, my northern nomad... where is your lot, to accomplish: stay?