I'm so happy with our prologue, that I never thought about our epilogue. I'm so mesmerized by our first chapter, that I never thought the possibility of our final chapter.
Prologue: "Friend request accepted" "Connected" "Say hi to your new facebook friend"
First chapter, You chatted "Hi", I replied "Hello" Second chapter, I told my secrets, you shared yours.
Third chapter, You became my human diary. Fourth chapter, I learned about your favorite food
Fifth chapter, You called, I heard your voice; you heard my laugh. Sixth chapter, Your sweet words and chats are dangerous.
Eighth chapter, I'm trying not to fall. Ninth chapter, The cliff cracked and slowly I'm falling
Tenth chapter, You're falling. Eleventh chapter, I thought it was me.
Twelfth chapter, You disappeared. Thirteenth chapter, You stop chatting and calling me.