Out, out, out,
so wide and overt,
so overflowing and grand,
when the belly button pops,
open like a cork,
spilling juices and fresh bubbles,
we let out crooked smiles grace
the night.
Out, out, out,
with windows handing agape,
out eyes closed,
but there are slits,
cracks in the walls,
crevasses and tunnels,
secret fortunes to be broken,
so that the wolves,
hidden and growling,
in the walls,
can shake their sodden pelts,
and poke wet noses into the light,
we watch,
from our stone beds,
our eyes narrowed hallways
of spies and
clandestine destiny.
Out, out, out,
the door is ajar,
one push,
and the world will lament,
and cease,
out, into the wildness,
there is wilderness in these rooms,
hallowed halls conceal jungle,
long looming forests,
the dark undergrowth that
hides decrepit creatures in shadow,
only eyes glinting,
there is a sublime here,
a mottled verse,
only those with their hearts out,
can be lent the care of others,
and see the secret beings hidden in the cracks.