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Apr 2010
No one's putting me on the spot
Except the one I'm standing in now
I can see from the edge of reality
As far as imagination allows

What happens if I step just over the line?
Because...I think I'm already there
With a hint of what's beyond this gate
It's almost more than I can bear.

I didn't draw this line in the sand
The rules were set before I arrived
He convinced me this where I belonged
But I see now that it's all contrived.

I could stay and color within the lines
The boundaries he's placed on me
But I've taken the risk and stepped across
And indeed the grass is much more green

He was busy keeping me within the lines
When a force came through from God knows where
Then the lines were blown and disappeared
And all my senses were alive and finally aware.

Now his insecurities no longer contain me
I'm putting myself on the line
I know in my heart it's the step to take
Toward truth. With love. For what is mine.
Written by
Robin Russell  F/Texas
   Shar Ward
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