... so it was that the Urth bled less. The Birch Moot was becalmed by the Anvil Cloud of Impending Deluge. The Young Gods made sport of Their Names, and aimed to Oblique the colony of clever flesh groping at the tender roots of an insipid devastation. The First Ones had vanished. But Time was born and the Mortal Whirl released the Hounds of Change. Transition fused - with the Eternal; and the offspring of unloved Spirits, roamed the Tangible. All Suffering was amplified in the diamond lungs of a divine corpse, dreaming.
... for when the iron heart of The Cast Out was retrieved, the Legion of Heaven poured unseemly Grace upon the Fathoms and the High King of Doubt, forced his blade ' Nimue ' into the soft palette, of the First Mouth. The Stars were born and The Void overheard the First Naming. A solid drizzle of enchantment cloaked the oaken Yggdrasil and The Pattern unleashed the folly of Pattern to mask the virtue of succinct Chaos. The Children of The Lower Sky ate their Masters and thereby swollen - gathered in the underbrush of the Fecund. They came to Know Regret by Answering Prayers. The Kingdoms of Wane were waning in the fearsome riot of Creation and not a boy, a man from no woman and no woman a man.
... the siege lights of the petty stars, babbled in the wake of yawning eruption and nullification. the ****** theater of blood was made Holy by way of forcing camels into eyes of needles in constant dystopian joy.
... and that's how the rain gets in.
[ From the ' Kingdoms Of Wane ', a Lost Tome from Antiquity and Dada ]