I wish it all back on you Blood stained the floor dripping from her nose an her mouth Bruises on her chest and slits on her wrist One done to her and the other done by her self She runs a bath She undresses in the bathtub afraid that the camera in her own home will capture her and be used in a sick sinful way Her privacy is no longer private to her even when it is Blood stains the water Water staining the carpet The blood soaked water soaked carpet At least she can inflict her own pain and someone else has no control Its all her She gets dressed behind a curtain pushed against the corner in the bathroom because there just is no hiding The two way mirror in her own home that doesn't exist seems to haunt her thought more than a ghost or demon ever will She checks her windows, doors, closet, and home once more, She looks under her bed for the 5th time because her nightmares could very well come true I wish you were as afraid of me as I am of you Her breath seems to be icy impaling the world like his knife impaled her She wakes up and goes to that same corner in the morning to get dressed because today there seems to be so many more spaces for eyes to be wondering her body in the open So the curtain in the corner it is She climbs out and walks past the two sided mirror as quickly as she can She will get it later He demands eye contact The bruises on her arm prove that She goes to school because she can't hide She comes back home Confined to her little corner and her curtain The stain in the carpet getting bigger But she will just throw it out and no one will know I wish your blood would stain the floor for the last time and wish that you lived this life of confinement the way that I do I wish it all back on you after all you did to me.