The face of beauty is not denied a vision present to my eyes I stand the captive to the view with scant promise lest I smile the beating heart whispered there knowing much while being mute nodding to the furtive eyes that skew away from lustful thoughts
perhaps the imps will forgive what the angels would decry knowing that I am laid low to seek beyond is folly’s goal in my sight they stand alone creation’s height on pillar’s font much like Venus from the sea with a promise I’d like to keep
these oaths are made by other folks pledged on lives not yet revoked the balance shows on my account not enough to claim a goal I truly wish I could dance in celebration of their lives this I leave to other souls to live the dreams beyond my hopes
what they miss is what I’ll grasp learning more than common man about the object that fascinates the face of beauty to contemplate forever distant while being close by comely sights and nattered chat they are a boon I’ll not deny when the face imbues my life.