Depression isn't beautiful. It isn't romantic or cute, it's not going to go away within a night and it surely isn't attractive (or hot). Depression is starving yourself, and then eating way more than you should, feeling disgusted by yourself, throwing up knelt in front of the toilet. Depression is not showering (the hot water makes your cuts hurt). Greasy hair and eaten fingernails, it's thick black-red blood spilled on the floor, running away from you like it's being chased after. Depression is laying on your bathroom floor, (which is ***** by the way, from where you are you can see the dust around the sink but can't help to bother), with the lights closed, the sun is slowly setting and without even realizing it, the cold hard floor feels even more cold and the blood has dried, on your hips, on your wrists and stomach. Depression is a sea, the one that's deserted, with no soul around you, to give you a hand when you're drowning. Depression is many, many things, but depression is not on any shape or form beautiful.