I am able to construct complex sentences and format’s, I am very interested in details and being able to express my vision.
I am always pondering on philosophy and learning, (Why something moves like it does exc…)
I am always interested in the science and engineering side of life, I want to learn how to be like everyone else but still be myself.
My interest in people and communications, it is what feeds my poetic flames.
I consider myself a philosopher and innovator of ideas.
If you want to know how to be a poet, you have to open your mind to the possibility of the idea of being a writer.
You have to ponder on format’s and word play, read a dictionary and the great writers like Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Emmy Dickinson, and other philosophers through out history and how they construct their vision.
Read more books and more books until you can’t fit anymore into your mind.
Allow your mind to wonder, loss yourself in the forest of ideas you have growing in your head. Don’t think about the limitations of your mind, go beyond the horizon of what you consider reality.