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Jan 2013
Another three a.m.
from too many smiles
and aching again to see the green lakes in your eyes
sparkle like white wine
and longing to hear another word sing from your lips
because your voice is like water,
and another just-fifteen-minutes-more
so that I can find the right words to say
and another sincere I-know-what-you-mean
and another one of your thoughts
kissing the ends of my sentences,
and then three more of your I-gotta-go-to-beds
and another shot at keeping you here
and one last goodnight
and I'm so far away
and I love you.

Another three a.m.,
and it's more than
just the miles
keeping us apart.
This poem, in particular, really needs to be read aloud. The pacing is very important. Do not pause at line breaks; pause only at punctuation marks.
John Eustace Needham
Written by
John Eustace Needham  Virginia
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