with yearning for a different life we leave ourselves behind because the worries of the world way so heavy on our minds my life has been a dance with the elegant summer air and the smell of salt that lingered from the beach in my hair a thousand different faces yet they stand out all so clear I’d tuck away the places I wished I’d visited each year if we all wrote down our dreams I wonder if we would remember the way our eyes lit up when winter gave us the magic of December before the bills and all the pills that we would have to take before the smiles on our faces started to feel fake our very first step, when we carried our own weight our very first step, when we began to see the light of faith the friends we’ve made and we’re still making the advice from other that we had started taking the brilliance of red and orange on the tree tops in fall realizing how big we felt even though we were so small the very first butterflies that fluttered within you that came with the kiss that had always stuck with you our memories of those who had left us behind finding new life beyond the blue skies with yearning for a different life we left ourselves behind because the worries of the world were so heavy on our mind