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Feb 2019
Release, like any poison brings both euphoria and
self shattering shame

constantly bordering between
and freedom,
He invites numbness
to slowly swallow His sanity
til He finds comfort in His cage.

As He Willingly
Into a
Sensless Stupor

This sickness steals with hungry hands
while his soul slowly starves.
Through a teary ghoulish gaze of glass
he looks at an absent face.

his mind contorts and twists in
writhing agony
as simple seconds span eternities
and days merge as mere moments.

his silent screams to be saved slowly start to fade like a flickering candle surrendering to the cruel Darkness.

the last of the glistening light reflecting from
his empty eyes dimly shines
as his heavy head falls
and he surcomes to slumber
William de klerk
Written by
William de klerk  19/M/South Africa
(19/M/South Africa)   
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