TOO MEEK THOUGH HUGE Where are we heading for with this progress? The kings could **** and give dear lives to men. With feudal lords, they could possess the land and all the people with their planted grains they ploughed and watered, yet they starved to death.
They fought and raved to reach their rights to live. A lot of heads were kicked like ***** on fields till men could find the spark that lit their way and that gunpowder of the freedom day.
Democracy was gained, but tricks were born, and science came to light what can destroy the whole earth with the genes that could bring men and send them where the dinosaurs were sent.
Poor dinosaurs, you were too meek though huge. Your earth was wrecked when your space was in rage, but though man is too small in size, he can destroy his earth with his dark fumes and shells. BY JOSEPH ZENIEH ___________