I am still changing; learning the obvious- The truth long believed but misunderstood Because the circumstances from which it Arises was yet unknown so the sentiment Could not be spoken from the heart still Untutored by time. So much that we hear That is bold strong and brave comes only From the broken hearted; the meek seeking Peace who have learned the vital lesson that If you cannot love here on earth as it is in Heaven; fearing to forgive but seek to avenge For wrongs wept for. Calling for justice on the Poor in spirit who have already suffered much Subordinating love to worldly pride.Then it is A better more loving judgement to be taken up That from your higher post you may at last know Mercy that is Love triumphant. Your Lover will Follow you who you would not leave me behind. I Would be with you always where your Love is If it cannot be here then to the hereafter call me. Yet it is not my choice it is you who would leave Me unloved - Harden not your heart hear my cry