The time for punishment has arrived line up the guilty for their trial where the judgment is assumed none shall refuse the stated sins their lot is cast by consequence all shall abide by the decree the penalty shall match the crime begin the grouping of the contrite
put the partisans in their groups one on each side away from foes with the worst in the front holding weapons that drew blood these hooligans will lead the pack declaring statements all must condone the brush is tarred to organize one from another in their tribes
now put the shameful in their place then state ‘mercy will be denied’ when the cries are exclaimed to the gods now deaf by shame the blood will flow in cleansing streams evoking strength in witnesses all shall declare that justice asked for the censure of faithless ones
a final twist is now exposed the sentence ****** just one trait neutrality from the warring bands no side selected among the crowds this disinterest was their end when only followers are held right the unbiased are dubious not holding creed with dogma's blight
once the lukewarm has been spat from the mouth of pious folk the hot and cold may battle on with the assurance of sacred scripts none will cry in the end while the pundits lead their charge all doubt is vanquished with the fall of those who doubt conviction's charm.