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Jan 2019
Oh priest that stands
resolute at deaths door,
Why does thou hesitate
upon knocking I ask.

Is there a unfinished task,
or perhaps a regret.
No it's neither an unfinished
task nor a regret.

Its a sense of longing.
A longing thou say,
But of what is the question
I ask thee.

Why does thee ask at all.
Oh voice speaking through the dark.
Thyself a curious fellow.
A curious fellow indeed.

But none the less
I shall answer thys question.
I don't want to give in.
There are people that need this preist,

There are people that relie on this priest.
Sorry I only linger,
Because I can't afford to go just yet.
So wait a bit longer

I still have a survival wish,
Not quit a death wish yet.
So your not quit there yet ay,
Anoher day will do just fine.

I thank thee
For appeasing thys curiosity,
And death shall wait for thee
To come again so please do.
Written by
Emillie Underwood
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