This pen bleeds on this page. I grow older every day I age and I'm not sure I like the way
that he looks at me when he's confused. Boy, I don't have all the answers.
I read books to figure out where I'm heading
and i lack the capacity to explain to you where i've been.
So I'm sorry that after we make love in your room that smells like a basement, I don't want to talk about all of my past boy-lovers because- and this must be hard for you to understand, -- they ***** me. So when we're lying naked in your dorm room mattress (that we put on the floor, somehow thinking that it creates more space for us), I'm sorry. Don't feel like I don't talk to you about anything Maybe I can't tell you because I have spent my whole life trying to erase it from my head
I tried to lose it but i'm just losing you.
I could tell you in a poem. But i just can't write anymore because this ink looks like black blood and i'm so sick of cutting myself open for other people. This page is bleeding because ****. I need to bleed to feel.
I remember when I was 14 and i watched the bathtub water turn red- i would smile at the crimson flowing like some sort of sign from God that I was alive and now, I love it when I get bruises. or when I cry because it means that I'm alive and it's not socially acceptable to remind myself anymore. I have scars so i smoke cigars and i get high when I inhale. and you're not supposed to inhale. But i always do because i don't just want to taste smoke in my mouth. I want to float away. I want to feel again. I want to lay on a cold bathroom floor and feel safe and protected by the locked door while I watch a small red puddle form on the tiles.